Chronisch venöse Insuffizienz
- AWMF S2k-Leitlinie Diagnostik und Therapie der Varikose (2019)
- European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS): Clinical practice guidelines for the management of chronic venous disease (2015)
- European Dermatology Forum (EDF): S3-guideline on venous leg ulcer (2016)
- AVF, Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), American College of Phlebology (ACP), Society for Vascular Medicine (SVM), and UIP: Clinical practice guidelines on compression therapy after invasive treatment of superficial veins of the lower extremities (2019)
- American Venous Forum (AVF), European Venous Forum (EVF), IUP, American College of Phlebology (ACP), and International Union of Angiology (IUA): Updated terminology of chronic venous disorders – The VEIN-TERM transatlantic interdisciplinary consensus document (2009)
- UIP: Consensus document for duplex ultrasound investigation of the veins in chronic venous disease of the lower limbs – Part I. Basic principles (2005, published 2006)
- UIP: Consensus document for duplex ultrasound investigation of the veins in chronic venous disease of the lower limbs – Part II. Anatomy (2005, published 2006)
- AWMF S2k-Leitlinie Sklerosierungsbehandlung der Varikose (2018)
- AWMF S2k-Leitlinie Medizinische Kompressionstherapie der Extremitäten mit Medizinischem Kompressionsstrumpf (MKS), Phlebologischem Kompressionsverband (PKV) und Medizinischen adaptiven Kompressionssystemen (MAK) (2018)
Vaskuläre Malformationen
Tiefe bzw. oberflächliche Venenthrombose und Pulmonalembolie
Livedovasculopathie und andere Formen des Ulcus